Ñaupa Iglesia


You will be hard pushed to find a more stunningly beautiful work of stone art on the face of the Earth than Ñaupa Iglesia! What an enigma this place is. Found in a side valley near Cusco this place is very special. Firstly we have this –



Incomplete as someone in their wisdom decided to blow the top off with dynamite probably hoping it contained gold. There are no words. We can now only imagine what this looked like when it was complete but as it is it’s still spell binding! And like most of these sites in Peru there’s more! Take a look at this –




WTH! I mean really, this is most perculiar. Where did this style come from? It seems to have arrived fully formed and then it vanished without any sign of progression whatsoever! How can that be? It can’t but here it is a strange mysterious anomaly in the Peruvian Andes.

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